Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Car rentals in Kuwait

We are considering selling our car and renting for the remainder of our time in Kuwait (about 8 months). To get ready for this, today we drove to the Airport where the greatest concentration of car rental companies exists, and obtained the following information:

Budget: KD168/month, several small car options
Araba: KD165/month, lancer
National: KD 162/month, corolla
Hertz: KD160/month, Hyundai getz/accent
Eurocar: KD180/month, chevy optra
Behbani: KD170, corolla
Dollar/Thrifty: KD165, lancer
Rekab: KD150 (partial insurance), lancer/sunny

All prices above are inclusive of basic and 3rd party insurance (accidents in parking lots etc...), except the last one. The partial coverage usually means the insurance covers between 25%-50% of the 3rd party accident.

We also checked at the no-name place across the street from us and they were around KD150/month, but we were not impressed with their fleet.

Most leases are for 1 year minimum to 2 years, so that's not an option for us right now.

We have one guy interested in our car so far, which I bought for KD1750 and am selling now for KD1500. It's a bit high, but we don't really need to sell it right now. so we can afford to wait and maybe get more out of it.


Nikhil Bhatia said...

Hi JC,

Its been a pleasure reading your blog and all the knowledge shared has been helpful to me.

I am planning to shift base to Kuwait from India & and at the moment puzzled with a lot of questions, starting with life style in Kuwait, & the other most imp how do I get my family with me.

Would highly appreciate if you can help me from your experience.

Thanks in advance.
Nikhil Bhatia.

Jesse said...

Everything I've learned I've tried to blog about, so have a look through. If you have any specific questions, let me know.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks JC for your Post...it saved me a lot of time.
I'm in the same situation, I want to rent a car for about 6 months, so I took one from Araba for 165KD / month.
I did some shopping around, but found out excally the same prices you mentioned above.
